Finding a new way forward

Reconstructing.Church is meant to be an encouraging and accelerating resource to those who rightfully have deep concerns about their church experience, yet are looking for ways to faithfully follow Jesus and live in spiritual community.
​Hey, my name is Nick! I'm a former teacher, pastor, and business leader. I'm a dreamer and a little bit of a startup junkie. I love seeing the potential in people, places, and ideas, and I love getting in the trenches with a group of people to chase a dream, together.
In the past that has meant launching campuses and ministries with a core team. Today, that mostly means chasing championships as a youth sports coach with my three boys.
In 2022, after over a decade of vocational ministry experience in churches of hundreds, thousands, over ten thousand, I felt like God was leading me to get outside the walls of the church. ​It felt like He was inviting me out to show me something. If I'm honest, I'm still not 100% sure where the journey is leading. But I know God is teaching and shaping me in it.
Though it's no longer my "job," I don't feel like I ever left the calling to pastor people and be a minister of the gospel. We're all called to minister, no matter where our paycheck comes from. I love people and have a deep passion for seeing God's people live lives worthy of the calling they've received.
I'm not sure what the future of His Church looks like, but I'm captivated by the conversation, and my heart beats to see God's people take more ownership and initiative in living out their mission and calling as Christ followers.
I believe God is doing a new thing, and He's trying to invite us into it, if we have the ears to hear. If you're trying to figure out what to do with the church hurt you're carrying, and you're trying to sort through what following Jesus in today's world is really supposed to look like... me too.
I don't know all the details of your story, but I bet I could relate with many of them. My prayer is that God will use Reconstructing.Church to help you see that you're not alone. There are multitudes of people on this journey, just like you - including me.
My prayer is for three main outcomes from ReConstructing.Church
1) To be a voice encouraging people who feel like they're all alone in their church context. To help people who love Jesus, but are struggling with the church feel like they're not alone, not crazy, and to help them gain clarity in what they're thinking and feeling.
2) To share resources that have helped me in my journey. I'm not an expert. No one is. But I will share some of the resources that have put words to things I've felt and helped me organize my thoughts and how they might fit together better.
3) To create collaborative spaces where we can prayerfully seek what God has for the Church's present and future - to not just keep repeating what was done in the past. I can't tell you how many conversations I've had where people can see that what we're doing is problematic, but they don't know what else to do. Let's try to figure it out... let's push the conversation forward and discover to to hand down a more healthy, faithful, and truly fruitful Church to the next generation.
If that sounds like a conversation you want to be a part of, subscribe right below and keep coming back! This place is for you!