The following list are some of the books that tend to come up the most when I'm in conversations about the Church. These are some of the ones that I quote the most often, because they've put words to things that I've felt. They enlightened me or sharpened me. They gave me context for why the Church is the way it is or helped me put handles on things that I didn't know how to live out.
I don't mean for presence on this list to equate to a blanket endorsement of any of these books or authors. In fact there are aspects of each of these books that I disagree with. You can feel free to disagree with me about whether you like these books! :)
But I've found the journey through these books and the wrestle that they have stirred up in me to be helpful in shaping my thinking, philosophy, and ecclesiology. I would encourage you to check these books out. Wrestle with them. Think critically about the ideas that are shared. Put them to the test in your context and experiences. And let me know what you think!